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Raising Resilient Kids: Tackling Childhood Anxiety Head-On

Updated: May 9, 2024

Parenting is a journey filled with joys and challenges, and when your child grapples with anxiety, those challenges can become even more pronounced. Anxious children often experience heightened worry, fear, and stress, which can impact social, academic, family functioning. As a parent, it's essential to provide the support and guidance necessary to help your anxious child thrive. In this blog, we'll explore some effective strategies for parenting anxious kids with compassion and understanding.

Understanding Childhood Anxiety

Before diving into parenting strategies, it's crucial to understand what childhood anxiety entails. Anxiety is a normal human emotion, usually made up of cognitive (worries), emotional (feelings of fear), and behavioral (avoidance of feared situations) symptoms. Common types of anxiety in childhood

include social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and specific fears (called phobias).

Recognizing the Signs

Identifying anxiety in your child can sometimes be challenging, as children may not always express their feelings clearly. Here are some common signs of anxiety in children:

  1. Excessive Worry: Anxious kids often worry excessively about everyday events, school, friendships, or family matters. Anxious kids often ask for reassurance from their parents, and that reassurance rarely helps in the long term.

  2. Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms, such as stomachaches, headaches, or muscle tension.

  3. Avoidance: Children with anxiety may avoid situations or activities that trigger their anxiety.

  4. Irritability: Anxiety can make kids more irritable, sensitive, or easily frustrated.

  5. Sleep Problems: Anxious children may have difficulty falling asleep or may wake in the night and have trouble falling back asleep. They sometimes also have nightmares.

  6. Perfectionism: A fear of making mistakes and a strong desire to be perfect can be signs of anxiety.

Parenting Strategies for Anxious Kids

We recommend a variety of strategies to support anxious kids, but they all start with relationships. Feelings of safety and trust are crucial when addressing childhood anxiety, so make sure you dedicate time to strengthening child-parent relationships when preparing to work on anxiety.

Here are some other tips for supporting an anxious child:

  1. Model Healthy Coping: Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. Children often learn by example, so showing them how to manage stress can be very beneficial. Model out loud: "Daddy's body is upset! I need to go for a walk and then come back and try again!"

  2. Validate and Empower: This is a tried and true recipe for addressing childhood worries and fears. You might validate fears by saying: "I get it. Starting at your new school is scary and you just don't know what to expect!" Then, you can empower t your child: "And, I know you can be strong and have a great day! You are such a brave kid."

  3. Avoid Avoidance: Research shows that addressing avoidance is the strongest predictor of successful anxiety treatment. All parents hate to see their children suffering, so it is tempting to "save" them from situations that cause worries. However, if we always bail them out, they learn that they can't face difficult situations on their own, continuing the cycle of avoidance. Instead, encourage your child to face their fears gradually rather than avoiding them. For example, you might help a socially anxious child to start ordering a drink at a coffee shop. This helps them build resilience and confidence.

  4. Establish Routines: Predictability and routine can be comforting for anxious children. Create a daily schedule that includes time for relaxation and self-care.

  5. Teach Coping Skills: Teach your child simple breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to help them manage anxiety in the moment.

  6. Positive Reinforcement: Praise your child's efforts in facing their fears and managing their anxiety. Celebrate their successes, no matter how small. "Wow, that was hard. And you did it!"

  7. Support Social Development: Encourage your child to develop social skills and build healthy friendships. Social connections can provide a valuable support system.

Parenting anxious kids can be challenging, but with patience, empathy, and the right strategies, you can help your child navigate their anxiety and build resilience. Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Tailor your approach to your child's individual needs, and don't hesitate to seek professional guidance when necessary. Your unwavering support and understanding can make a world of difference in helping your anxious child thrive.

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